Jen Lehman also teaches flute, offering lessons through the Marlborough and Westminster Public Schools and Ramey Music. She graduated from the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY, where she was a music education major. Jen studied flute under Yvonne Chavez Hansbrough. She currently performs with several area groups, including Winchendon Winds, Willow Flute Ensemble, Metropolitan Flute Orchestra, and others.
Marlborough Public Schools
Find Jen teaching flute lessons in Marlborough High School.
Westminster Public Schools
Jen teaches students from Westminster’s elementary and middle schools. She offers private and small group flute lessons. She has been a part of the Westminster After School Music Program since 2008. Jen finds teaching young kids entertaining and rewarding. She is thrilled to set young students up for success in their flute career — for however long that is!
Ramey Music
Jen offers private lessons through Ramey Music, located in Lunenberg. Her students are primarily high school students who are performing in school orchestras and local church events. Lessons are also open for adults of all levels of playing.